photo credit: Mashable.com
If you became a parent within the last decade, chances are you went to school during the 1990s. I graduated high school in 1999 so I was lucky enough to experience all of the perks of burgeoning technology in school – the advent of the Internet, floppy discs, just learning how to e-mail completed assignments to teachers. Let me say: Oregon Trail will always hold a soft spot in my heart (“oh man, dysentery AGAIN??”) There were no SmatBoards or iPads or Skyping – it was gel pens and laser discs, baby!
Nowadays, kids don’t realize that there was a time when classrooms were considered cutting-edge if they had a single computer somewhere on a table in the back of the room. Or – even more glamorous – an entire LAB with stout, boxy machines standing shoulder to shoulder, just waiting for a floppy disk. In 6th grade we went to the computer lab once a week and it was like making a voyage to some kind of glowing mecca. My son is in Kindergarten and in his small, special-needs class of 7 students, they use computers every single day.
Mashable came up with a list of 14 “tech supplies” that students of the 90s had, supplies that made it seem like we were living in a Jetsonian world. Like, any minute a flying car would putter by with Rosie hangin’ out the window and waving. Makes me wonder how I ever made it through, roughing it like that…
What “tech supplies” do you remember from your school days? Share in the comments section below!