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I hate math.  I’m already working on an exit strategy for when my kids ask me for help with multiplication homework in a few years.  While I’m baring my soul, I might as well admit that when it comes to times tables, I only know the “ones” and the “nines”.  For everything else I use my cell phone calculator.

Let’s face it though: Multiplication is a skill that’s used daily and Doodle Times Table helps teach that skill to young kids in a fun, creative way.  One of the keys to keeping this app interesting is the real star of the show; the bunny that walks players through over 400 times table matching games, using as many as 12 times tables.  Taking too long?  Bunny takes a quick nap.  Get the answers right?  The rabbit bounces around the screen.

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If  a wide-eyed cotton tail isn’t enough to keep your kid glued to times tables, try the customizable (read: doodle) backgrounds.  Players choose from a variety of pre-set pictures from the app or pick from the photos in the device’s gallery.  They can add stickers and hand-drawn illustrations to set the scene for fun math learning.

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My own kids are 3 and 5, and as much as I’d love to tell you that they’re math prodigies and learned multiplication in the womb, they’re pretty much on target for their respective age groups.  Meaning, I had to bravely step in and try this app out myself.  After sweating profusely and having a minor anxiety attack (kidding!)  I ended up really enjoying the game.

The grade-school crowd would definitely have a lot of fun honing their times table skills playing Doodle Learning Times Table.  At $1.99 it’s fairly priced and would be an especially beneficial app for the homeschoolers who utilize their iPad to enhance learning.  Now if you’ll excuse me; I’ve got 8 more times tables to learn – my kids ran off with my cell phone to play Candy Crush.



– Incredibly simple user interface
– Matching games help players practice times tables
– “Doodle” portion of the app includes many customizable options


– None; this app is fun multiplied by learning



Price: $1.99
Age: 7+

Multiplication and drawing meet in this fun app

Doodle Learning Times Tables - Ninetwentyeight

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