With a 4-year-old who’s not in preschool and a special-needs 6-year-old who only goes to school part-time, I have very little time in my daily schedule to go shopping.  By the time I have a few extra minutes, it’s past bedtime and most stores are closed.  And forget going out on a Saturday – I try not to even drive around town during the weekends because it seems like everyone is out and about running errands.

That’s why I love mobile shopping apps for my iPad.  I can sit in the comfort of my living room with my iPad, checking off lists without having to battle traffic or whiny kiddos.  Everything arrives at my doorstep(and who doesn’t love getting packages?) and some sites even offer bulk or wholesale discounts on the items I use most often.

Here are 5 shopping apps that I love:


amznAmazon Mobile – all the perks of the site, with an easy-to-navigate and streamlined interface; if you have a subscription to Amazon Prime you can get free 2-day shipping on over 100,000 items



zulilyZulily – the shopping site is now an iPad app, so you can shop for everything from adorable boutique toddler dresses to trendy home decor accessories




shopsavvyShopSavvy – use the app’s barcode scanner or perform a simple keyword search to find the lowest available prices for that special something you’ve had your eye on




retailmenotRetailMeNot – despite being past the peak of the trend, couponing will always be in fashion, and this app will help you look for deals and bargains at over 50,000 stores (local or online)




catalog spreeCatalog Spree – cut down on paper waste and browse over 350 major catalogs in one simple app, from retailers like Forever 21, Nordstrom, and LL Bean





Do you have a favorite shopping app?

Share in the comments below!

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