In a world where discovering new reading material for your children is as simple as a quick visit to the app store, a new service called ‘Bookboard’ is pushing the envelope a little further. In an effort to bring the same subscription idea that powers Netflix to the children’s literature world, Bookboard literally streams unlimited children’s books straight to your iPad for a low monthly fee.
Are you and your child plowing through storybook apps at an alarming rate? Do you feel like you have read every story-app out there and then some? If so, Bookboard might be for you and your child. Getting started is as easy as heading over to the Bookboard website and choosing a subscription. Subscriptions are available for one month at $8.99 or for six months at $29.94.
After choosing a subscription, finding new and exciting books is a piece of cake! Each child in a muti-child family can create his or her own profile that will store the books that spark their interest. The app uses provided profile information such as age, gender, and reading level to tailor book choices to each child. In the beginning, before any reading has taken place, the sample section is very broad and contains a wide variety of books. As children read, the sample section tailors to their taste and will present new material that is age and reading-level appropriate for that particular child.
Bookboard is an excellent service for parents who want to place an emphasis on reading with their child and choosing books together. With the Bookboard service making co-reading a priority, this service is an excellent opportunity for parents to delve into the world of literacy with their children and spend some quality time in their very own virtual library. Even though Bookboard may not be a replacement for traditional trips to the library, it is a great way to supplement reading time when the traditional books have all been read. Twice.
Source: Forbes